Friday, December 11, 2009

Tanzania: Zanu-Pf Locked in Succession Battle

The so-called leading political analyst, Eldred Masunungure, is totally wrong to conclude that Zanu-pf will disintegrate if President Mugabe retires today. This kind of assessment or analysis is not new to us. Many a time analysts have given their opinion of a party they don't even know and will never know. They only know or have information they read in the papers which is totally at variance with what the cadres of the party think of their party.

Not so long ago the same analysts, Eldred Masunungure, Lovemore Madhuku, Ibbo Mandaza, John Makumbe and many others, all doctors of political science or some related fields, predicted that Zanu-pf was not going to get 4% in the March 2008 harmonized elections. What emerged from those elections, not to mention the June 27, 2008 run-off presidential elections, is only proof of how wrong the so-called analysts were and continue to be to this day because they do not know the revolutionary party and will never know it.

When the Rhodesia CIO determined or concluded that the force behind Zanu's military strength was Herbert Chitepo, they assassinated him by way of a car bomb. Before that they had killed Edson Sithole. They believed strongly that, through these assassinations, they were going to stop the war of liberation. What happened is now well known to all of us. Zanu became more united and more determined than ever before following the death of Chitepo.

The same so-called analysts accused some in Zanu of having killed Chitepo and yet the aim was to divide the party but this did not work, more so because we already knew of the machinations by the Rhodesia CIO - fueling divisions on tribal lines within the revolutionary party. We all know that the Zambian government at that time fell for this silly trick and arrested our leaders accusing them of having killed their leader.

Similarly, if today President Mugabe retires, what you see or view as divisions will be the source of Zanu-pf strength. Cadres of the revolution know an enemy when they see one. Our enemy is not even MDC-T but its backers - the CIA and MI6. Even if the sun rises from the west and sets in the east we will be able to tell who our enemy is.

Our brothers in MDC-T are only being used like a mop which is discarded after use without even being washed. Everybody who cares to listen should know that the revolutionary party has gone through worse situations than we are facing today but has come out stronger and much more determined to forge ahead with the revolution.

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